More Animal Crossing: New Horizons Info Detailed in Latest Nintendo Direct

It was only September last year when we first got wind of a new Animal Crossing, though we didn't see an official reveal until E3 this year. Now, a year after it's initial reveal, we've been given our second trailer at the game. The latest Nintendo Direct showcased a good 5 minutes of Animal Crossing New Horizons gameplay which you can view below.

There are a number of details that were also shown off in the trailer, which we've detailed more in depth here (coming soon!). We were also given a number of direct feed screenshots which we've included below! Animal Crossing: New Horizons is scheduled to release on March 20th, 2020 for Nintendo Switch.

Be sure to follow BidoofCrossing on Twitter and Tumblr to stay up to date with the latest Animal Crossing and Nintendo news.


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