Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 20

Last Nights Caper
Didn't play.

Day 20
Yay, more pink roses

Just like I thought, Club LOL was open today. I quickly rushed over to go greet Shrunk...

To my disappointment, it was closed... Maybe it was too early for it to be open? I thought clubs were open 24/7? Oh well. I'll come back later.

Instead I decided to empty my mailbox to get the minimalist furniture I had ordered, to fix up my upstairs - if you've visited my via the Dream Suite recently then you'd be aware of the horrid mishap which was going on up there.

It's coming along nicely. I like it.

I decided to start landscaping my town and add a path. I chopped down a few trees, and left the unique stumps. Then laid a path down going from the northern bridge to Re-Tail. It actually looks rather ugly, I'm probably going to pull it up tomorrow and try fix it - the area looks really naked, now...

I then went back to Club LOL to find it had opened. Shrunk greeted me with open arms, wasting no time in informing me of the show happening at 8pm tonight (it's just past 11 when writing this and I still haven't gone oops - maybe it'll make for a 'last nights caper' section in tomorrows post..)

He then informed me of his shows, and he'd be happy to give me one if I was to give him some food. What is it with animals. All my villagers get given food, Shrunk gets given food, EVERYONE GETS FOOD!!! (who likes my Oprah reference?)

I handed him over a cherry (I had one in my pocket from landscaping my town) and he gave me a private show.

He showed my the disbelief joke, and it didn't really make any sense. He started talking about how people would throw tomatoes at him... Oh well, no tomatoes from me (I'll be honest, I wasn't paying attention).

He then handed me over a joke book so I could keep track of all the jokes he had told me.

At least now with Club LOL being open, the short blog posts will be a little longer until I get all reactions. So I'm happy about that.

Whilst in Main Street, I decided to update my dream data, and pay off my mortgage. After debating with myself for several minutes on whether or not I wanted a back room, left room, right room, or a basement, I decided on building the basement, which I should have constructed tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'll expand the basement first, or open up all of the other rooms. I guess I have all the time I need, though.

Back in town Gala also wanted me to take her to her house, as she claimed she was 'scared' to go alone (what's she been doing every other night, then?). Her house was literally a 5 second (if that) walk away from where she was (I did run around town with Gala on my trail though as I thought it was cute, and come on, who'd take up the opportunity to walk around with Gala, especially when I want to know the latest gossip!).

Pete was also wondering around town today. It was funny, I was only thinking yesterday he hadn't shown up for a while. I'm still waiting on Gulliver to show up again, I'm feeling tomorrow will be his day (I also need to dive for another Scallop to meet Pascal again).

After this point, I want to have dinner and the like, then went back on in the late night (as it wasn't raining for once) to try my luck at finding a scorpion  Sadly I came across none, just a lone tarantula, which was near the cliff, and fell off then died (it literally died, disappeared when it hit the ground. R.I.P).

As well as playing through out the day, I kept popping in and out of Re-Tail to speak with Cyrus who had been busy changing the color of my camera. I managed to get all colors but orange, which I will get tomorrow.

Unrelated News
I managed to get my act together and write up tonight's post a few hours early, as if it was a day where I had school the next day. In all honesty I prefer getting these out earlier rather than later. When I leave it 'til late I kinda lose interest and then don't feel like paling at night - which I should actually be able to do tonight! I'm going to explore Skyfall in about 30 minutes or so, to look for scorpions, and visit DJ K.K. at Club LOL. Hopefully it'll be an eventful night. We can only hope!

I forgot about this until now, oops.

This is legit my tenth...

I'm poor


  1. Nice diary entry. I enjoyed reading

  2. I just wanted to quickly say I really enjoy reading your posts :D
    Hope to visit your dream town today!

  3. I dont know how to write comments on your guide so i do it here. In the Guilliver guide you spell Manneke Pis wrong you spell it as how i wrote it so you need to change it. I know that because i am from Belgium.

  4. Shampoodle's opening for me in Crapton tommorow, Can't wait to change my hairstyle and colour! Btw, once I pay off my home loan for my basement's second expansion, which room should I expand next? should I expand the back room? (I'm thinking of turning that area into my bedroom, with the robo series.)

  5. How do you get minimalist furniture?
    It is really pretty.

    1. Minimalist furniture is found in the Nook store. :)


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