Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 55

Last Nights Caper
this is how to be a heartBREAAAAAAKERRRR

Day 55
Starting up, Gala decided to make my already boring day (from exams and such) by suggesting a public works project I've wanted for a while, the stone tablet.

Was ecstatic to have this requested so I built it right away, near the river (I'm also thinking of putting another to the south of town).

Rod also wanted to call me Diva B, and of course, if you're not Ricky, feel free to call me whatever you want.

The notice board also informed me that a meteor shower would be happening tonight, of course, with studies, I didn't know if I'd be playing tonight. However, as it was my first meteor shower, I managed to squeeze some time in and view it (covered later in the post).

I'm guessing it was just luck, but Shrunk must have been resourceful after teaching me how to be a heartBREAAAAAAKERRRR yesterday, so decided to teach me the love joke.

That was it for the day. I did make time to play in the evening (early evening to be exact), nothing interesting happened, Rosie just told me she planned on leaving on the 12th (I told her no and she decided to stay).

And then I sat back and watched the meteor shower, wishing on them shooting start left, right and center.

Unrelated News
Two exams left, two exams left! Tomorrow is English Paper II (I have to write 3 essays in 2 hours...) eeck! Nahh I should be fine (I hope), English is my strongest subject (weird since my spelling and grammar is horrible, but that's just how it is). After that I have maths on Monday (don't really care about that tbh), so once tomorrow's exam is over, it's gonna be stress free (still studying for maths over the weekend though). Adios!


  1. Nice picture of the meteor shower!
    Funny thing, you said adios instead of your usual "cya", haha [I found it funny 'cause I always say goodbye with a "cya" when texting -which is not common from where I am - AND 'cause I'm spanish, lol]
    Anyways, thanks for the post ;)

  2. I didn't know the stone tablet existed.


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