Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 215

Last Nights Caper
Uhh don't really remember, nothing interesting.

Day 215

Snowday today! But not only was snow, the trees had also turned green. I really like this scenery change, the trees look much nicer on snow when they're green and not that brown color. Not only had the trees changed color, but so had the bamboo. I'm really not a huge fan of the color green, but I really like these colors.

Annalisa was moving out today. She also seemed to pick up Frita's catchphrase of "LET ME GO" - I guess the wrong villager decided to move, not that I wanted Annalisa in my town permanently anyway, I just want Frita gone so I can start landscaping that area.

At the Police Station Booker informed me of Gulliver being washed ashore. I searched the beaches for the washed up seagull and found him at the very far east of the beach. I woke him up and answered his questions to figure out where he was going (don't tell anyone but I didn't know so I had to use Google). My options were:
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- Scotland

Well, no luck on bingo today. Only one number that we rolled was on our card. But we made a Snowboy, which we made perfect.

Unrelated News
I had a busy day today so I didn't have a lot of time to play. I've also got a few things tomorrow so not sure how much time I'll get. Though tomorrow is set earlier so I might get home earlier and it shouldn't be a problem. Not sure. Cya!


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