Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 260

Last Nights Caper
I stayed up a lot later than usual, but I didn't get up to anything.

Day 260

Either Ricky is poor, or he's constantly hungry, because today he once again asked me to get him a piece of perfect fruit (or maybe 'cause I give it to him so often he expects it?). I got out a perfect orange hoping for another pic of him in return, but I just got a crane game...

After meeting Ricky's diva demands, I headed up to Main Street to check out the stores, especially the Able Sisters, to see if they had the Festivale tank in stock, but they didn't - they just had the head accessory in today. I believe Festivale is tomorrow? I hope they have the tank in stock them, or I'll just wear the dress lol.

I went back to Skyfall and spoke with Soleil, who wanted to come over to my house right away. I took her over, but she didn't stay for long. I don't think I'll get her photo as a reward since I don't think our friendship is high enough, but at least it adds to the points.

Unrelated News
Yeah, I had a boring day, but in all honesty I was totally burned out from all of yesterdays gameplay lol. But Festivale is tomorrow (or at least I think so?) so we should do a lot more then. Cya!


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