Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 301

Last Nights Caper
I would say I did nothing, but my friend made me watch some Tomodachi Collection videos trying to persuade me to buy it when it releases over here. I'm thinkin' I'll buy it, looks fun.

Day 301

Today marked the day of the second last fishing tourney. But before I got into that, I had a few things to do around Skyfall first. 
I decided to check up on Soleil, as she was in her house, turns out she's sick. Sucks that she got sick on the day of the fishing tourney, but I guess you can't help it. I headed on up to Main Street to buy her some medicine, and handed it over to her.

After leaving Soleil's home I headed right, and went into Zucker's home. I'm lucky he didn't change his mind, because I spoke to him out of habit and he told me about his move. But he kept his decision to go ahead with the move. I just need to make sure I don't talk to him tomorrow and then he'll be out of Skyfall.

Now to begin the tourney!

Of course, this month was a 'catch any fish' tourney, so I wasn't limited to any specific species. I was going to catch a number of fish and hand them in from smallest to largest to get a nice amount of prizes, but I was running out of time as it was getting late and I didn't want to spend a large sum of my day catching fish when I could be doing other things.

With that said, I headed down the the beach and looked for a sea bass, but I found nothing. I spent a good 5 minutes paroling the beaches for something to come up, but no sea basses. Though I did come across an oar fish, but I decided not to hand that in and sell it for some bells.

As my patience for sea bass searching was wearing thin, I decided to head on over to the island to try my luck there, and I'm happy I did. Not only did I catch a sea bass, I also found a giant trevally and a ray, so I had some more small fortunes in my pocket so I could nab some extra bells.

Upon returning to Skyfall I hurried on over to Chip and handed him the sea bass I had just caught, which was enough to get me first place. I didn't get a piece of fish furniture as a reward, but I was too lazy to catch a bigger sea bass to beat my record, so I left it at that and waited until 6pm for the tourney to end.

6pm soon came and off I went, back to Chip to start the ceremony. I was surprised I still came first. For a sea bass, mine was kinda on the small/medium side, and I honestly though someone would've gotten a 39/40 inch sea bass and pushed me down to second place, but I guess not.

Other Things
Outside the fishing tourney I did get around to taking the picture I bought at Redd's to the museum, but turns out I'd already donated it... And during the tourney I spotted Chops and Frita surprisingly close to each other.. I wonder if they're soon to become Skyfall's newest couple? Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Unrelated News
Ughh, I'm out of storage again and there's so much stuff on the ground. I really want to clean up Skyfall, and then green it up with bushes and trees (which is what's taking up all my storage lol). Maybe one day when I can be bothered I'll do some more landscaping, or sell off some of my unwanted items. Cya!


  1. Heylo, I have an account Im just lazy to sign in. Anyways, Im thinking of making my own Animal Crossing Blog. What do you use to take pictures?

    1. r+l buttons on your 3ds saves it to your sd card. Put sd card in computer, boom.

  2. Are you gonna give Zucker to anyone?


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