Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 312

Last Nights Caper
Again, can't remember, but I did sleep early as I was tired.

Day 312

Soleil was right near my house, so as usual I spoke to her, and she had a gift that she wanted delivered to Chops. I took the gift off her hands and went to track down Chops. I found him easily enough as I had only just started playing, and he was inside his house. I handed over Soleil's gift and he gave me a blue gym tee.

A better look at the inside of Chops' house, I don't think I've
shown it before

On my way to Chops' house, I actually met up with Boone on the bridge, who informed me he was leaving Skyfall on the 28th. I told him to go, but he changed him mind and decided to stay. I'm not overly annoyed by it though, he hasn't really been in Skyfall for that long, so it'll be nice to see his face around for a little while longer. 

From there, I headed over to the police station to see if there were any special visitors in town, but I noticed Hazel walking by, so I decided to speak to her first, and she requested me to catch her an ocean fish. After getting the request, I walked into the police station, and spoke to Booker, who told me that Gulliver had washed ashore, so I made my way down to the beach to find Gulliver, and an ocean fish for Hazel.

I made my way down to the beach to find Gulliver. I soon found the unconscious seagull, and woke him up after speaking to him way too many times... As usual, he told me his wild tale, and then wanted me to figure out where he was heading. I didn't have any idea what he was talking out, but I used logical thinking and a process of elimination to take a wild guess, and I got it right. My options were:

Once I had done that, I casted my rod into the ocean to pull out the nearest fish, which ended up being a horse mackrel. I then took that over to Hazel, who rewarded me with a citrus tee.

Unrelated News
Yeah, another boring day for me, nothing too interesting happened. I might go get something to eat, and then watch the TV shows I've missed recently. Cya!


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