Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 371

Last Nights Caper
Basically just continued my review for Tomodachi Life (which I posted today), and watched some TV. Nothing too interesting.

Day 371

Today marked both the bug off and the summer solstice. I liked having the two events on at the same time, they didn't really clash with each other so it made the day more enjoyable. I started walking around town simply to see if anyone needed anything done, but of course, with the event on, none of them needed anything. Boone had moved out though, and the ground where his house was looked bare. That is where I want to make an additional character, but I'm not sure if I want one yet or not...

I'll start off with the solstice, Isabelle was out near the Town Hall (not the plaza because Nat was there hosting the bug off), and same as last year, I spoke to her and she gave me some ladder shades. It's nice to have a space set of shades since they can't be ordered.

Over at the plaza was the photoboard, which I took several pictures on so I could photoshop them together later if I can be bothered. I actally don't remember if I shopped them together last year or not. If i did then I probably wont do it again this year, but if I didn't then I'd better do it this year. I'll check after this post and edit a photoshopped one in if I didn't do one last year.

Now to begin the bug off!

If you've been following for a while then you'd know that I've been looking forward to the bug off since December 2013, because I could finally get the golden net. Finally, the day had arrived so once I was ready to begin, I hurried on over to Nat and showed him my encyclopedia. He was happy to see I had completed i and handed me a golden net!

Now that I had my flashy net I was able to start begin the bug off. I actually couldn't find anything decent around, and I was too lazy to head over to the island, so I caught the first bug I saw, which was a tiger butterfly. It got be 48 points which pushed me into first place, and received a sleek carpet.

I wanted to hand something a little better in than a tiger butterfly so I lurked around town a little longer to see if I could catch anything better, but alas, I couldn't. So I decided to stop playing for the day and wait until the evening for the ceremony.

I've missed seeing my villager try catch bugs lol

The evening soon came (which was weird because it was still light out), and I headed over to the plaza to hold the completion ceremony. A 48-point butterfly isn't really that good, so I wasn't even expecting to place, but somehow I managed to get second place, which a nice surprise. I was distracted during the ceremony so I was unable to get a lot of pictures (oops).

Now that the bug off was over I could talk to residents without them telling me about the bug off, but they still didn't have anything decent to talk about. Freya simple told me about the solstice going on, and Rosie wanted to buy the sleek carpet I had obtained form the bug off, which I sold to her.

Unrelated News
Well the Tomodachi Life review turned out a lot better than I expected, which I'm happy with. Now I'm just trying to get back into using Twitter for this blog, so I've been working on that, but things aren't going too well as of now, but hopefully I can get that working sometime this week. Cya!


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