Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 418

Last Nights Caper
Not too sure, I really don't remember much. I might have played MH, but I'm not too sure.

Day 418

As soon as I started playing I went to check on Beau as he was home, and he informed me Saharah was in town. Knowing she was in town I soon left Beau's castle and searched around town for Saharah. I soon found her, and as usual, took her over to my house and gave her 3,000 bells for an interior make over. I received a music-room wall and a sporty floor, both of which I believe are exclusive.

As so as I switched out my old flooring and wallpaper, Beau came knocking at my door. I invited hi
m and let him stay, but he didn't stay for long, before leaving, thanking me for inviting him over. Even though he didn't stay for long, his self-invite was appreciated, as now I know we still have a good friendship.

There was a little rain this afternoon, but by the time I'd left my house it had all cleared up, and left behind a beautiful double rainbow. As I played more the rainbow seemed to become more colorful.

Leaving the rainbow behind, I came across Agnes, who wanted me to deliver something to Ricky. I happily took the package over to Ricky, only to earn the "guess what it is and you get to keep it" dialogue, and of course I guessed wrong, so I got nothing... Later on in the day though, Agnes was in her house, so I dropped by to see how it looked. I actually really love the look of her interior.

I stopped over at Re-Tail to empty my pocets, and whilst there,  check the afternoon turnip prices. And omg were they good. They were going for a whopping 451 bells a piece... Too bad I didn't buy any turnips this week. Tbh though I don't really need money, I just check turnip prices for the sake of it (though getting a good win on turnips would be good for the badge - if I haven't gotten it yet).

Earlier today, Rosie requested I get her a new piece of furniture. As I usually ignore these, I didn't bother taking a pic, but as I was going through my items, I came across a lovely lamp, which I decided to give her, and luckily I did, because in return she gave me her pic!

Unrelated News
I was hoping someone would ping me today and tell me they planned on leaving, but I guess not... Hopefully they'll ping tomorrow... Now I'm gonna take my night easy. Cya!


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