Nintendo Releasing Animal Crossing: New Horizons Soundtrack + More!

If you're a hardcore Animal Crossing fan, you'd be aware that today (April 14th) marks the 20th anniversary for the series! Fans had long been speculating what may or may not release to celebrate this event, and it seemed that all we would be getting was a tweet with some artwork attached. Well, it looks like Nintendo had more planned on the horizon, as they've now announced an official soundtrack for the game that will be releasing in Japan this June! Full details below.

Currently, there are three editions available, a soundtrack for the background music, one for K.K. Sliders tunes, and a limited edition one that comes with both, plus some bonus goodies. The background music compilation comes with 4 CDs, each themed to one of the games season, with 173 tracks, and will cost 4,950 yen. The K.K. collection comes with 3CDs, and includes 95 instrumental tracks of K.K. Slider recordings, costing 4,400 yen.

The main attraction, however, is the first print limited edition. Not only does this come with all 7 CDs, you'll receive a K.K. Slider earphone case, as well as an artbook that has artwork of all K.K.'s title tracks. You'll also receive a special box to keep everything in. This package will cost 11,000 yen. All sets will release on June 9th.

Currently, the soundtracks are only available in Japan, and given Nintendo's history, it does seem unlikely these will make their way to the west. That said, given the upsurge of Animal Crossing's popularity over the past year, there's always a small chance it, or something similar, will come over - but we won't hold our breath!

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