Animal Crossing: New Horizons Updated to Version 2.0.2

With the release of both the Version 2.0 and 2.0.1 update, a number of glitches were discovered, some were fixed in the aforementioned 2.0.1 update, but a couple more still came through. An additional patch, V 2.0.2, has now been pushed. We've got the full details below!

The update itself actually fixes a number of bugs present, which we've detailed below. Of course, you can visit Nintendo's website and check out the full patch notes, but we've summarised the majority of them.

- Brewster could overlap the player on Kapp'n Tours and stop the player from moving
- Kapp'n could stop singing his song and halt the game
- Selecting "how does this work" during group stretches could stop the game from proceeding
- The posters received for inviting Orville/Wilbur to Photopia would be switched
- Certain furniture items placed on the pier would stop the player from talking to Kapp'n
- Warp pipe features fixed after Villager interactions
- "Visit the Roost" Nook Miles+ could appear multiple times a day

As for the Happy Home Paradise DLC, a number of bugs were also fixed, including:

- Game stopping when the player would take Leif to the School under certain requirements
- Using amiibo excessively force closing the game
- Bells being spent in addition to Poki when ordering furniture through Wardell
- Refund letter for the refund of the Pre Decorating License could be sent multiple times
- + more

As usual, you'll need to install the update before you can use any online features of the game. Be sure to follow us over on Twitter and TumblrFeel free to join our discord server too!


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